Continuity 101 (or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Scripty)
- Q & A on just what it is that Continuity / Script Supervisors actually do...

But isn’t that a girl’s job?

Grrrr. In the US the role has historically been performed by both men and women.[1] In the UK it has historically largely been performed by women, and Australia followed the UK.

There were a number of reasons for this, mostly good (e.g. the requirement for shorthand), some bad (e.g. the somewhat male-dominated[2] nature of much of the industry), but all generally no longer relevant.[3]

So no, it’s not a “girl’s job.” And incidentally, I wouldn’t recommend referring to any female Script Supervisors as Script Girls either.

  1. Sam Peckinpah was a Script Supervisor at one point, and I’d say it’s a safe bet no-one ever risked telling him it was a girl’s job. Which might have been a nice irony. [↩︎]
  2. Okay, sexist. [↩︎]
  3. Although some surprising attitudes do unfortunately linger on. [↩︎]

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Posted By That Continuity Guy On March 2, 2009 @ 5:51 pm In Continuity 101

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